Friday, August 15, 2008

Our Story - Losing our baby girl at 21w2d

On June 19th 2008 our world was turned upside down... We went in for a follow up ultrasound from an amniocentesis that was done 2 weeks prior. We had the amnio done due to a genetic screening coming back elevated for both spina bifida and downs syndrome. At the 19 week ultrasound just before the amnio we were told that our baby girl was 2 weeks behind and seemed very small..

Okay.. back to Thursday June 19th - As I lay on the ultrasound table the tech says when is the last time you saw a heartbeat, I said one week ago.. She said i'm very sorry I think she has passed I will go get a dr. The Dr. came in too confirm, we had lost our sweet baby girl.. It seems like a nightmare..

I was induced that day and delivered Isabella on June 20th around 12:10 p.m. We were able to hold her and tell her how much love her.... She was creamated and we have a beautiful angel urn and she is always with us!
